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AVIRE HUB Lift Monitoring Software

EN 81-28
Stay on top of your entire lift installation portfolio with advanced lift software in the AVIRE HUB. Remotely monitor, program, and update devices, receive alerts and alarms, and comply with regulations with test calls and an audit trail.
mark Access your entire installation portfolio
mark Real-time lift location, status, and alerts
mark Receive, record, and view multiple event types, including technical calls, alarms, and status updates
mark Program, update, and monitor the DCP and CAN Bus enabled products
mark Monitor DCP battery levels and performs and records 3-day text calls
mark Multiple user types with varying access levels and views
mark Provide an audit trail

Files and Resources

Tutorial: AVIRE Hub Alarm Call Pop-Up
Tutorial: AVIRE Hub Events and Automatic Tests
Tutorial: AVIRE Hub Homepage and Profile Setup
Tutorial: AVIRE Hub Installation Page and Creation
Tutorial: AVIRE Hub Read parameters and program
Tutorial: AVIRE Hub Setting Background Number
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