Fully Digital Solution
Lift maintenance
Regular, proactive lift maintenance increases safety and reliability for passengers while saving lift owners time and money on expensive emergency call-outs as faults can be fixed before they cause major disruption.

Compliance with safety regulations
The UK has lift maintenance requirements mandating the frequency of lift inspections. Failure to comply with these safety standards can be costly for lift owners in the event of an accident.

Identify issues and schedule repairs
Lift downtime and repairs during high-traffic periods can be highly inconvenient for building users. With regular lift maintenance, you can identify issues and schedule repairs in quieter periods, rather than risking a lift breakdown.
Reliability for building users
Downtimes can cause major disruption, for example, if someone is trapped, deliveries are held up, hotel guests cannot transport their luggage, or patients can’t be transferred safely around a hospital. In some cases, this can lead to lawsuits or insurance claims, which could be avoided with regular lift maintenance.
Lift Emergency Phones
Memcom+ Lift Emergency Phone
The Memcom+ lift emergency phone is a high-quality, and reliable autodialler that provides trapped passengers quick and easy access to emergency assistance. The unit has a speaker, microphone, and backlit LCD for programming and status updates.
The AVIRE Machine to Machine (M2M) lift SIM cards provide your lift with a reliable connection at all times. These cards connect automatically to all major network providers ensuring the strongest signal and won’t be disconnected due to low usage.
Memcom+ Accessories Multi Point Station MPS
For use during installation and commissioning, the lift Multi Point Station (MPS) provides emergency telephone points for the lift engineer in the shaft, pit, or machine room. The easy-to-install MPS has LED status lights and adjustable volume control.
Lift Light Curtains
Lift Light Curtains Panachrome+
The MEMCO Panachrome+ lift curtain with red and green LEDs highlights door movements, making lifts safer and reducing accidents. 3D detection extends passenger protection into the landing zone, and remote diagnostics reduce site visit frequency.
Lift Light Curtains Panachrome
The MEMCO Panachrome lift detector is ideal for high-traffic areas, e.g., hospitals, hotels, or airports. Patented red/green LED lights warn when the doors are closing, and sensors detect lift door blockage. Optional 3D sensors extend protection into the landing area.
Lift Light Curtains Smart 3D
The MEMCO Smart 3D lift detector for Panachrome+ lift curtains is an innovative product that resolves common problems with 3D edges technology, reducing the false triggers caused by reflected light or flooring, stationary objects, dark clothing, and cross traffic.
Lift Light Curtains Pana 40+
The MEMCO Pana 40+ is our bestselling lift light curtain. Suitable for any installation, due to the range of available profiles. The exceptional quality, reliability, and durability make it perfect for high-risk and high-traffic applications.
SENTINEL Lift emergency connection service
SENTINEL - The only UK pro-actively managed, resilient lift emergency connection service. Remove hassle and costs whilst fulfilling your obligations . With diagnostic health checks, fault resolution and lifetime provisioning, Sentinel is all you need to keep your lift connection resilient. Always.
AVIRE HUB Lift Monitoring Software
Stay on top of your entire lift installation portfolio with advanced lift monitoring software in the AVIRE HUB. Remotely monitor, program, and update devices, receive alerts and alarms, and comply with regulations to monitor test calls, as well as providing an audit trail.
AVIRE APP Lift installation software
The AVIRE App is designed to streamline the setup process for lift emergency communication systems. Our app allows you to configure devices on-site or remote and register them in the AVIRE Hub for seamless remote monitoring. Explore our easy-to-follow tutorial videos and updated screenshots to see how the AVIRE App can transform your installation process.