Safe-Com Passive DAS (BDA)
Both compact and complete, the modular design leverages a plug-in card system for any configuration across UHF and/or VHF, and/or 700, 800 and 900. Whether Class A or Class B, parallel channel processing produces the highest signal performance for mission-critical coverage enhancement with an advanced super-heterodyne front-end that significantly improves near-far performance and handles interlaced frequencies with ease.
This all-in-one system was designed to require the least amount of time and effort to install. The system can be expanded or modified with ease over time.
UL2524 certified, meets NFPA 1221/1225 | FCC ID: 2AKSM-SAFE2
* Pair with Safe-Com remote annunciator and battery backup units.
- Supply: 9 to 12 VDC
- Consumption: 40 watts average, 100 watts maximum
- Output Power Per Band:
- 700/800 MHz: 30 dBm +/- 2 dB
- UHF: 28 dBm +/- 2 dB
- VHF: 27 dBm +/- 2 dB
- RF Input: -10 dBm (max, no damage)
- RF Output: 1 watt (2 watts with dual band)
- Noise figure: 5 to 8 dB (typical)
- Gain range: 50 to 90 dB (typical)
- Gain control: 60 dB (+1 dB steps)
Filter Bandwidth:
- Class A: <75 kHz
- Class B: 100 kHz to 5 MHz
Channel Card Input Frequency Range:
- 700/800/900: 763 - 941 MHz
- UHF: 380-512 MHz
- VHF: 150-174 MHz
Dimensions and Weight:Â
Note: SAFE-1030 small/large cabinet determined based on system design
- SAFE-1030, Small Cabinet: 15" x 12" x 6.7", 25 lbs (typical)
- SAFE-1030, Large Cabinet: 19" x 18" x 6.7", 40 lbs (typical)
Warranty: 2 years
Specifiers' Corner
The Specifiers’ Corner is designed to provide Architects, Engineers, Contractors, Fire Marshals, Building Code Officials, Inspectors, AHJs, and end users with the essential information that may be needed for a project: Submittal Documents, Manuals/Wiring Diagrams, Data Sheets,CAD and Code Requirements
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