
Pana40+ 2D Safety Edge

Only available in
The Pana40+ stands as a cornerstone in our product lineup, recognized for its unparalleled quality and steadfast reliability. This safety edge ensures comprehensive protection through a dense curtain of 40 parallel infrared beams.

Key Features:

  • Reliable Protection: Any disruption in the direct beams across the elevator door immediately activates the system, ensuring consistent safety
  • Versatile Configuration: 40 parallel beams for standard protection
  • Established Reputation: As one of Janus's most trusted products, the Pana40+ has set industry standards for reliability and performance

Additional Features:

  • Easily serviced, enhanced diagnostics
  • Can be set to tolerate damage
  • Screen fills doorway from ground level to 6 feet away for full opening protection
  • Holds door safely open in the event of a failure
  • Reduces damage to elevator doors normally associated with freight movement
  • Easy alignment
  • Nudging optional with 842 or 843 control box (Canadian application where they need the doors to stagger closed)
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