International Building Code (IBC®)
IBC® Code Adoption Map With Current Year of Enforcement
Note: Your area may be enforcing a different version of the code. Please check with your local Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ)
IBC® Code (2015, 2018 & 2021)
- 1009.6.5 Two-way Communication. Area of Refuge shall be provided with a two-way communication system comÂplying with Sections 1009.8.l and 1009.8.2.
- 1009.8 Two-way Communication. A two-way communication system complying with Sections 1009.8.1 and 1009.8.2 shall be provided at the landing serving each elevator or bank of elevators on each accessible floor that is one or more stories above or below the level of exit discharge.
- Exceptions:
- 1.) Two-way communication systems are not required at the landing serving each elevator or bank of eleÂvators where the two-way communication system is provided within Areas of Refuge in accordance with Section 1009.6.5.
- 2.) Two-way communication systems are not required on floors provided with ramps conforming to the provisions of Section 1012.
- 3.) Two-way communication systems are not required at the landings serving only service elevators that are not designated as part of the accessible means of egress or serve as part of the required accessible route into a facility.
- 4.) Two-way communication systems are not required at the landings serving only freight elevators.
- 5.) Two-way communication systems are not required at the landing serving a private residence elevator.
- 6.) Two-way communication systems are not required in Group I-2 or I-3 facilities (2018 only).
- Exceptions:
- 1009.8.1 System requirements. Two-way communication systems shall provide communication between each required location (RATH® Call Boxes) and the fire command center or a central control point (RATH® Base Stations) location approved by the fire department. Where the central control point is not a constantly attended location, a two-way communication system shall have a timed automatic telephone dial-out capability to a monitoring location or 9-1-1 . The two-way communicaÂtion system shall include both audible and visible signals.
- 1009.8.2 Directions. Directions (Part #7049) for the use of the two-way communication system, instructions for summoning assisÂtance via the two-way communication system and written identification of the location shall be posted adjacent to the two-way communication system. Signage shall comply with the ICC A117.1 requirements for visual characters.
- 1009.9 Signage. Signage indicating special accessibility pro� visions shall be provided as shown:
- 1.) Each door providing access to an Area of Refuge an adjacent floor area shall be identified by a sign statÂing: AREA OF REFUGE. (Part #7044)
- 2.) Each door providing access to an exterior area for assisted rescue shall be identified by a sign stating: EXTERIOR AREA FOR ASSISTED RESCUE. (Part #7086)
- Signage shall comply with the ICC A117.1 requirements for visual characters and include the International Symbol of Accessibility. Where exit sign illumination is required by Section 1013.3, the signs shall be illuminated. (Part #7050) Additionally, visual characters, raised character and braille signage comÂplying with ICC A117.1 shall be located at each door to an Area of Refuge and exterior Area for Assisted Rescue in accorÂdance with Section 1013.4. (Part #7044)
- 1009.10 Directional Signage. Directional Signage indicating the location of all other means of egress and which of those are accessible means of egress shall be provided at the following:
(Part # 7047L-Left or #7047R-Right)- 1.) At exits serving a required accessible space but not proÂviding an approved accessible means of egress.
- 2.) At elevator landings.
- 3.) Within Area(s) of Refuge.
- 1009.11 Instructions. In Areas of Refuge and exterior Areas for Assisted Rescue, instructions on the use of the area under emergency conditions shall be posted. Signage shall comply with the ICC A117.1 requirements for visual characters. The instructions shall include all of the following:
- 1.) Persons able to use the exit stairway do so as soon as possible, unless they are assisting others.
- 2.) Information on planned availability of assistance in the use of stairs or supervised operation of elevators and how to summon such assistance.
- 3.) Directions for use of the two-way communication sysÂtem where provided.
- 403.5.3.1 Stairway Communication System. A telephone or other two-way communications system connected to an approved constantly attended station shall be provided at not less than every fifth floor in each stairway where the doors to the stairway are locked
International Building Code (IBC®)
2 Hour Fire-Rated Cable
2015 International Building Code (IBC)
- 3007.8 Electrical power.
- 1. Elevator equipment.
- 2. Elevator hoistway lighting.
- 3. Ventilation and cooling equipment for elevator machine rooms, control rooms, machine spaces and control spaces.
- 4. Elevator car lighting
- 3007.8.1 Protection of wiring or cables.
Wires or cables that are located outside of the elevator hoistway and machine room and that provide normal or standby power, control signals, communication with the car, lighting, heating, air conditioning, ventilation and fire-detecting systems to fire service access elevators shall be protected by construction having a fire-resistance rating of not less than 2 hours, shall be a circuit integrity cable having a fire-resistance rating of not less than 2 hours or shall be protected by a listed electrical protective system having a fire-resistance rating of not less than 2 hours.